“After over a year of working with Regan Peterson, I can attest to the fact she has saved my life.


I was referred to Regan by my primary care physician in 2020. Her steadfast support as I battle the cycle of eating disorders has led me to create a safe space within myself. When I first met Regan I was deeply against receiving treatment. I was engrossed in my ED, angry, sad, and felt incapable of separating myself from that life. Yet, Regan exposed the aspects that showed up to our weekly meetings and brought to light the authentic voice that did want to know life without my ED--especially when I couldn’t see it. We made slow but steady progress towards my recovery for about four months of outpatient before I decided to go to a residential treatment facility, at her suggestion. After I was able to leave the program I returned to working with Regan and have been able to meet with her even while attending college across the country. She has been constant in her ability to help ground me in my recovery and be firm but kind in our sessions. Regan’s expertise as a dietician is obvious and her commitment to her patients is seen in the close relationship we have created. I have and will continue to recommend her as an outpatient provider as long as she is working. I am so grateful to Regan as a provider, a mentor, and a friend. I can’t imagine where I would be, or if I would be, in my recovery without her."

“Diagnosed with anorexia in 2014, I have had a lot to learn. Regan has helped me through this journey in so many ways.


From the very beginning, her compassion and encouragement have been such a blessing. I had a very distorted view of food, my body, and exercise. She patiently answered all the questions I had and helped me through the process of eating differently, accepting my body, and exercising in a healthy manner. Regan has also shown me the connection between the eating disorder behaviors and other aspects of my life. She has given me a great balance between getting out of my comfort zone, but also not moving too quickly that I’m overwhelmed. I highly recommend Regan to anyone searching for a dietician for any reason. She obviously knows what she is doing, and is just a wonderful person.”

“I have been seeing Regan for the treatment of my eating disorder for the past three years.


She is profoundly knowledgeable and she presents a wide range of information, challenges, and approaches for her clients. Regan is highly personable and one of the most honest, genuine individuals that I know; she balances both compassion and veracity, which makes her incredibly easy to trust. She has always met where I am at and I credit so much of the progress that I have made in my recovery to her.”

“Regan Peterson is an amazing source of nutritional expertise, support, encouragement, and reminders that my body is wise.


As I walk through my eating disorder recovery and diabetes management, I rely on Regan as a sounding board—I bring questions and struggles, she brings answers and hope. I've learned from her that I need to turn down the volume on self criticism to be able to hear my body's cues. I've learned to nourish all of my senses and my obsessions with food are gradually diminishing. Through my work with Regan, my own sense of hope is growing that I am healing my relationships with food and my body.”